What is Body Mind Co?

What is Body Mind Co? This video introduces what is going to happen this year, with Body Mind Co and the podcast.

Here we work with yoga, meditation and positive thinking. Meditation and positive thinking are yoga principles anyway. Everything is very connected.

This year, we are going to explore ways to reconnect with our Body. People used to easliy disconnect the body and the mind, with Descartes’ famous “cogito ergo sum”, “I think, therefore I am.”1.

However, feelings do impact our bodies much more than we think. Stress is recognised as a cause of many illnesses, including depression2. Maybe this is why yoga has become such a trend in the West.

These days, with the CoVid and everything happening in the world, it becomes so important to take care of our body, our health.

This is why we work with women on raising awareness on the body, with a loving non-judgmental approach.

For the podcast, I will release a new video every Friday at 5pm (uk time). It will be about meditation, yoga, or positive thinking.

If you want to know more about Body Mind Co, have a look at the sessions page, or the bio.

Want to get all in one? Our life coaching program is for you then.

You can also have a look at all the videos.


1 p.1 in Sorell, T. (1987). Descartes: A very short introduction. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press.

2 p. 19 in Servan- Schreiber, D. (2003). Guérir le stress, l’anxiété et la dépression sans médicaments ni psychanalyse. Robert Laffont: Paris, France.

What is Body Mind Co?
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