hot flushes menopause

Suddenly, you feel hot.

Very, very hot.

Oh no, everybody will know it's hot flushes!!!

Video: Yoga for menopause – hot flushes

Reducing anxiety to reduce the symptoms

Menopause stress

During the menopause, you are more likely to be stressed because 

estrogens used to balance cortisol, the stress hormone

and now it… doesn’t do it anymore.

So you might feel a little bit (if not much more!)
And even MORE when you get hot flushes!
resisting emotions
Yoga menopause London
Yoga to reduce stress

Yoga will help reducing your cortisol level.

Especially as you breath out,

you activate you parasympathetic nervous system.

Your body gets cooler. This helps for hot flushes.

So practice: legs up the wall – Viparita Karani

menopause hot flush
You can practice this in the evening. It helps with
hot flushes
but also anxiety and heavy legs.
Press play at 0:42 to practice.

To get MORE

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Get on a beautiful journey with me.

Book your own, private gentle yoga class for menopause.

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There is more about movement, body and menopause on social medias.

Please if you need, seek help from your doctor, a specialist or someone you trust.

Your body is unique and beautiful. Love it.

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menopause body
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17- Yoga for menopause: hot flushes
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