Positive thinking #8 : Rules

What are your rules? This video introduces rules in positive thinking.

The Wheel

the wheel positive thinking

Just remember the 6 parts of the Wheel in positive thinking:

  1. Circumstance
  2. Perception
  3. Thought
  4. Feeling
  5. Action
  6. Result

(Have a look at the previous videos there!)

The idea is that we cannot change the circumstances of any event in our life. However, we can change our thoughts about the events.

Indeed, we create our thinking. Even if this is not conscious! And from our thinking, we create… Beliefs. And rules!

What is a rule?

A rule is how we think other people around us should behave. For example, I might believe that when I send a message to a friend, this friend should reply. And if this friend does not reply… I feel disappointed. There are three main issues with such a system:

  • We have not communicated our rules to others, because we think they are obvious. So, they don’t even know them! And then we expect them to respect our rules… It does not make any sense.
  • If we have rules for others, others will have rules for us. And I don’t think we would be happy to “have to respect them”!
  • We cannot blame others for how we feel. We create our feelings, from our thoughts.

Notice your rules

So be careful. Notice what rules you create for your family, your friends. You are responsible of your thinking. You can change what you believe about yourself and the world! Don’t wait for it to happen. Do it now!

You can have a look at other Body Mind Co videos here.

I also recommend to listen to The Life Coach School podcast.

Positive thinking #8 : Rules
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